Berry bombs

But there they were. $3.99 for a punnet. Oh go on... why not. Gastronomic research you know?... :-)
According to the Good Living blurb, kiwiberries are hand-picked, "vary in shape from round to elongated, weigh between 5 and 20 grams, and are loaded with Vitamin C".
Once home and having mauled open the packet to inspecting the contents, the kiwiberries themselves weren't that impressive. They're a funny almost-khaki colour with tinges of darker green stripes a little reminiscent of a watermelon. On top is a sprouting of Bert-like hair from Sesame Street, and on the bottom is a tiny hardened indent where the stalk was once attached.

Slicing one down the middle though... wow... different story. Very pretty. Vivid green. Just like a tiny kiwifruit.
But you're supposed to eat these whole I know. "Just like a grape" it says on the packaging. I just had to have a bit of a look-see for my own self-gratification as well as, you know, compulsive blogographic photo opportunities.
Popped one of these babies into the mouth and *kaboom* hello kiwifruit flavour! Tastes just like a kiwifruit would if it were a cherry tomato! The skin is a little tart and requires a bit of an after-swallow, but hey this sure beats the usual peeling of the brown fuzz (and no, don't even try to convince me to eat kiwifruit with the skin on).
These look much prettier sliced open but then you'd lose the whole effect of the cherry bomb explosion. I guess that's why the kiwiberries kit themselves up in camouflage. And travel in punnets...
You can find them hiding in the berry section of your gourmet-stocking supermarket and greengrocer.
posted by Anonymous on 3/24/2005 06:00:00 pm

At 3/24/2005 7:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
I am not a big fan of kiwifruit but these berries are so cute. Are they sour?
At 3/24/2005 10:29 pm,
Ms One Boobie said…
Very pretty.. but never had these before.. gonna look out for them..when i'm in the city.. ;) Pete's frootique usually have some exclusive selections of food.. ;)
At 3/24/2005 11:30 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oh, are these a new hybrid of kiwifruit? I've never seen them before. The idea of having kiwifruit mini-sized is cool; not having to peel and cut them is even cooler. I'm keeping a lookout for these cuties. :)
At 3/25/2005 2:03 pm,
pinkcocoa said…
hey AG
I have been eyeing these kiwiberries for a long while now at Woolies. They are still a tad expensive for me so I could only look and look! They look so cute inside! awwwwwww.
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