Miro Tapas Bar, Sydney
Miro has always been my favourite tapas bar in Sydney - the tortilla espanola is always freshly cooked and tasty, the battered calamari rings are melt-in-your-mouth tender, and the creme caramel is to-die-for.
On a recent visit we discovered they have undergone a significant re-furb. Gone are the dark stone walls and metal (uncomfortable) chairs. Instead they have gone all post-modern minimalism with white wooden chairs and tables and upholstered white panels mounted onto the walls. Overall I don't like the new look--the white minimalism feels out-of-place in the dark moody basement and sits incongruously with the whole concept of sunny siesta-ing sangria-soaked Spain.

Miro new interior

Reassuringly though, the tapas is still as good as ever. I neglected to bring the camera on that occasion but less than a week later I was back again--this time coincedentally with beloved camera!
The reason for this impromptu visit was the just-walking-past discovery that Miro now serve chocolate con churros--that Spanish breakfast institution which is heaven for both chocaholics and dieticians! Not only did the Spaniards bless us with tapas and sangria, but they have also given us mandate to commence cocoa consumption as soon as the sun hits our sleep-encrusted eye.
The churros were freshly fried, light and fluffy and a pleasing golden brown. Dipping these sugar-encrusted batons into warm, thick, creamy Spanish hot chocolate was toe-curling to say the least! Perfect for winter, breakfast, post-movie--hell, anytime--get thee to Miro and get that warm-tummy feeling!

Chocolate con churros

Chocolate con churros (Chocolate $4.50, churros each $2)
Click here for a chocolate con churros recipe.
Miro Tapas Bar CLOSED
Tel: +61 (02) 9267 3126
posted by Anonymous on 8/10/2004 11:59:00 pm

At 8/16/2004 7:16 pm,
pinkcocoa said…
the chocolate con churros looks absolutely heavenly and at the same time so so sinful. it is another chocoholic delight i would say! i definitely have to try this one out. thanks for posting up the recipe too! do share your experience if you have tried out the recipe yourself :-) *yum*
At 8/27/2004 11:25 pm,
Anonymous said…
Mmmm, mmmm.
Not since my recent expedition to the Catalan coast have I been so tempted to dip my Churros in the sweet smooth manna that is Spanish Chocolate!
Adios Amigos!
Augustus Snr
At 4/18/2005 3:38 pm,
Anonymous said…
We visited Miro on 16/04/05 for a friend’s farewell. She had under-booked & there were not enough seats to accommodate 2 extra people. Usually, the restaurant staff will do there upmost to find a solution but NOT in this restaurant. The owner rudely asked us in front of guest "what time is this??!!" as we were 20 mins late He also asked in a dirty tone if we part of the original party of had decided to turn up unannounced?? After a long wait he made room for us, very begrudgingly I might add, calling to us "come on! come on! I've made room for you but you'll have to be out soon as I’m expecting a table of eight who's seat, which were pre-booked (as if to say ours weren't) I used to fit you two in.
Within 5 mins on seating (when you are usually making introductions, saying your hello etc, we were asked my the owner 6 times!! if we were ready to order (the other guests had already placed their order). We were so upset we decided not to stay and when we informed him of this he snatched our menus from under us, huffed his head of and stormed off a few minuted later 'having a go' at our friend who had made the booking. I dine out sometime 3-4 times a week sometimes more and I have never, ever in my life been treating with such blatant disrespect. This man is in the wrong industry and perhaps should find employment where he has NO interaction with human beings. He made us feel uncomfortable and extremely upset. I do not recommend anyone dine there and support this mans wage as he obviously has enough money and does not care to make any more! If you truly love the experience of dining out and great customer service that makes you feel special and pampered, please friends, do not dine here
At 8/23/2005 7:10 pm,
Books and Tea For Two said…
Hello hello! I love reading your blog and am so excited to see they sell churros somewhere in Sydney. It was a mainstay of ours when we travelled through Spain. Can you tell me, can you go in to the place just for that or do you have to eat a full meal?
At 9/07/2006 8:29 am,
Kat said…
Mmm, their website specifically mentions churros are back by popular demand. I'm so excited...
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