Takayama--Miyagawa morning markets

Local on his mobile

Omochi for sale in vac-pacs.

Pickle sample anyone?

Much prettier than those annoying fruit stickers!

Coloured corn.

An edible bouquet!

These apples actually had their variety tattooed on the skin! One presumes stickers must have been used to create a reverse tattoo tan. And these apples were only 100yen, or about AU$1.25 each.

A taste-taster's paradise--the sampling smorgasboard.

When I took a photo of these, I was immediately offered a sample. I thought they were springrolls until she pointed out the paper wasn't edible! They were actually samples of seasoned rice. Again the Japanese never failed to impress me with their impeccable presentation.

Takayama was so affectionately quaint and charming with its traditional-looking architecture, picturesque inns and small-town feel. As we strolled through the quiet streets we happened upon the local nursery where all the kids were wearing pastel caps and looking totemo kawaii desu ne!. Ahh... I'm a sucker for kiddie photos...

I want one of these! (To ride in when I'm tired of walking)

Local mechanic with canine companion.
We walked past a dim garage and heard much whirring, clunking and bashing going on. When we poked our heads in we discovered a man-and-wife operation packaging sachets of noodles with this contraption. The husband was measuring out the noodles with a steel saucepan as accurately as any machine. Simple, non-nonsense efficiency. We were impressed.

posted by Anonymous on 9/13/2004 11:30:00 am

At 1/01/2005 6:03 pm,
R said…
Yay! More Japanese photographs.
I adore the pics of the apples and the little ones. Wonderful work. Happy New Year Augustusgloop.
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