Grab Your Diary, 7-24 July
Ashfield Gourmet Food and Wine Market
St. Johns Anglican Church Grounds (Bland and Alt Streets), Ashfield
11.00am - 4.00pm, 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
Dine & Dish #3: The Freshman
This month Sarah urges us to get out there and welcome a new restaurant on the block.
Paper Chef #8 entries due
Submit your culinary masterpiece featuring the theme ingredients cheddar cheese, olives, spinach and either potatoes or cream to Owen by 12 noon Pacific Standard Time.
Sugar High Friday #10: Honey
Get busy like a bee and then swarm over to Nic from Baking Sheet with your honey-licious post for this month's Sugar High Friday.
Does My Blog Look Good In This #7
Submit your favourite June photo to this month's host, Lynette from Lex Culinaria to be included in the gallery of food porn.
The Rocks Aroma Coffee Festival
Breathe in the heady aroma of 23 different brews for only $1 a cup down at The Rocks. There will also be a latte art competition at the Overseas Passenger Terminal.
And for the caffaine-holics, check out the free Coffee Customs Exhibition at the newly refurbished Customs House (until Dec 31 2005).
WED 6.30pm-7.00pm ABC - Beat the Chef
WED 7.30pm-8.00pm SBS - Food Lovers Guide to Australia
FRI 8.00pm-8.30pm SBS - Feast India (2nd-last episode)
SAT 8.30pm-9.15pm SBS - Iron Chef
SAT 9.30pm-10.10pm ABC - Jamie Oliver on Parkinson (with mmm... Ewan McGregor too)
posted by Anonymous on 7/07/2005 05:00:00 pm

At 7/08/2005 10:58 am,
tytty said…
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At 7/08/2005 11:01 am,
tytty said…
*sorry, had to correct the link*
i find food lovers way better than feast .. feast is boring coz the host is flat - one would expect more excitement when presented with so much food to try right?
AG, there's a Taste Le Tour featuring lovely French cuisine as part of the Tour de France on SBS every day except Monday. Showtime is 9:30, 10:30 or 11pm depending which day it is.
At 7/11/2005 4:00 pm,
tytty said…
Hi again,
Jamie Oliver is back on Channel 10, 7:30pm with his "The Naked Chef" series. To start on the 13th of July.
For some reason if you're free on Fridays at 12:30pm, "Gary Rhodes' Cookery Year" is on ABC.
Happy watching
At 7/11/2005 4:27 pm,
tytty said…
haha, sorry, just one more to add, hope you don't mind AG
New Idea Saturday Kitchen, Channel Seven, 2:30 pm.
Rick Stein is always featured. Other celebrity chefs that come on and off are like Madhur Jeffrey and Giorgio Locatelli.
At 7/11/2005 4:27 pm,
tytty said…
haha, sorry, just one more to add, hope you don't mind AG
New Idea Saturday Kitchen, Channel Seven, 2:30 pm.
Rick Stein is always featured. Other celebrity chefs that come on and off are like Madhur Jeffrey and Giorgio Locatelli.
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