Buddha's Birthday Celebrations, Darling Harbour

Darling Harbour came alive last weekend with the annual Buddha's Birthday Celebrations held by Nan Tien Temple. A giant Buddha held centre stage on the Chinese Gardens forecourt, flanked by a myriad of stalls selling arts and crafts, Buddhist literature and, most importantly, lots of mouthwatering vegetarian food.

You know the food's authentic when all the signs are in Chinese

Sweet cakes filled with red bean paste

Sticky rice wrapped in

Vegetarian spring rolls

Panfried buns rolled with mushrooms and pickles
More photos to come (it was a camera-clicking bonanza!)...
posted by Anonymous on 5/11/2006 11:15:00 pm

At 5/12/2006 2:46 pm,
FooDcrazEE said…
wish we had the same kind of celebration here
At 5/15/2006 6:31 am,
gobsmack'd said…
Don't you mean bamboo leaves?
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