Sydney Flower Market, Flemington

We visited the Sydney Flower Markets bright and early yesterday morning. It may not have been quite as impressive as the flower markets of Europe, but there was still an infectious buzz as customers inspected a rainbow of competitively-priced roses, gerberas, natives and other flowers. It was a crisp chilly morning with only giant flourescents overhead illuminating the cavernous shed at Flemington.




Sydney Flower Market
Building F, Sydney Markets
Austin Avenue (off Centenary Drive), Flemington, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9325 6200
Open Monday to Saturday, 5am -11am. To see the Sydney Flower Market at it's best, aim to visit before 8am.
Entry to Sydney Markets is $8.00 per vehicle Monday to Friday. There is no entry fee on Saturday.
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Sydney Fresh Food Market, Flemington
posted by Anonymous on 6/11/2006 01:30:00 pm

At 6/12/2006 7:55 am,
Jen said…
Oh I love going to the Flower Markets! Last time I went, I was getting flowers for a film shoot and everyone was so lovely and helpful, it must be all the nice flowers.
I ended up getting about 40 bunches for under $100.. bargain!
At 6/13/2006 3:45 pm,
deborah said…
love the flower markets too. did you see any edible flowers? must try to wake up early one saturday and head there... i've been so lazy with markets this year... opting to sleep in instead ;)
At 6/14/2006 8:59 am,
Veruca Salt said…
Such pretty pictures. What a shame the baby pineapples did not turn out.
I was a little disappointed with what was on offer at 8am. Was expecting a big romantic scene like the one from Notting Hill.
Next time, we need to be hardcore and get there at 5am.
At 6/14/2006 12:43 pm,
Reb said…
awwwww ... SO pretty! I think you better leave the 5am til warmer spring or summer! :)
At 8/14/2007 11:23 pm,
Anonymous said…
how about a market report on what has been sold on the flower market, you need product to draw people, lets see what is for offer!
At 10/11/2007 11:29 am,
Anonymous said…
the flower markets are amazing, i went for the first time the other weekend after a sleep in and was amazed there was still stock left! if I was buying in bulk I think i'd need to go a lot earlier though!
It's like heaven on earth, the plethora of colours and varieties.. incredible!
At 10/13/2007 2:12 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Mike - Not sure what you mean, perhaps you're talking about the official Flemington website offering more information?
Hi Dominique - It's quite an adventure isn't it? The colours are amazing and I love the convivial atmosphere of the markets too :)
At 2/05/2009 3:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
The pics are beautiful. I am going this saturday 5am sharp!! How much were the roses?
At 2/05/2009 6:24 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Anon - I last went here in 2006 so I'm not up-to-date on the prices. I'm sure you'll find some amazingly fresh roses at very competitive prices though. Happy shopping!
At 7/17/2010 9:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
The markets are awesome, I work there and love the culture! The prices are pretty reasonable but be aware that the best flowers are there on Mondays and the worst on saturdays.....
At 7/25/2010 5:40 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Anon - I love visiting market - they're always so full of energy and colour. Thanks for the tip about the flower deliveries too - one to keep in mind!
At 12/12/2011 7:41 am,
Anonymous said…
I just did a 5:30am Monday run, and it was quite the exciting experience :) Best bit was the flowers - worst bit was figuring out where to park and dodging trucks/pickups etc :( Now I know - straight to the rooftop!
I was after proper fresh roses - picked up a bunch of 70cm's for $12, a 40cm for $8, and a small "novelty bunch" (20cm?) for $3.50. The good medium-to-long roses will cost you about $8-$12, if it's $7 or below the roses will be a bit old, or plucked. These are standard roses, mind you - did some some lovely antiques and spray roses around but didn't find out how much they were. Small bunches, 20cm, will cost between $3-5, with the better quality at the high end. Peonys were going for about $12. There were also some AWESOME dyed roses (blue, purple and yellow, purple and pink, multicoloured... how do they do it?!?!!), probably about $10 a bunch.
My advice is to walk around for a bit to get a feel for where the better quality roses are. Take a big bag with you - quite a lot of people going around with trolleys!
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