bills, Woollahra

With our breakfast at bills Woollahra, I've finally completed the bills trifecta.
The breakfast menu is the same; they've even managed to recreate bills' signature shared table (from the Darlinghurst branch) in the courtyard here. Here it's topped with granite not timber, and instead of glossy magazines in the centre, one finds a cluster of pot plants and a blossoming young tree.

Cappuccino $3.50
We are tended to quickly and our coffees arrive shortly thereafter. It's good, with a robust flavour and dense creamy froth.

Scrambled organic eggs with sourdough toast $12.80
I stick to my usual scrambled organic eggs with sourdough toast. The eggs are a little runnier than usual (and I've just checked my previous posts to verify) although the portion size seems larger too. They are creamy and rich but I miss the satiny softness from eggs that are moist yet set together in one piece.
The eggs must have more cream than usual as I can't even finish them. The thick doorstops of sourdough toast go down no problem though.

Scrambled organic eggs with sourdough toast $12.80
with gravlax salmon $5.70
and avocado $3.90
Divedude has the scrambled eggs along with gravlax salmon and the avocado. Both extras are magnificent. The avocado is at perfect ripeness, soft, almost sweet and buttery with decadence. The gravlax salmon is even better - firm thick slices of cured salmon that taste unreservedly of salmon. It is utterly sigh-worthy.

Scrambled organic eggs with sourdough toast $12.80
with chicken chipolatas $5.00
and roast tomato $3.80
Divegirl has the chicken chipolatas and roast tomato on the side of her scrambled eggs.

Chicken chipolatas
The tomatoes are a brilliant red and full of sweetness. The chipolatas are full of meat and peppery with seasoning.

Hot chocolate with Callebaut $4.00
But the highlight today was definitely the hot chocolate with Callebaut. Pressed up along one side of the glass was a party of chocolate buds, slowly melting amidst the piping hot milk.

A quick stir with the spoon turned pure white milk to a delicious chocolatey-brown and it tasted even better than it looked, the intensity of the cocoa unrivalled by few other hot chocolates I've tasted. This is hot chocolate for grown-ups, rich in cocoa and without the cloying aftertaste of sickly sweet sugar (although it can be added if you prefer).
Next time we're saving room for hotcakes. I need to reacquaint myself, and soon!

bills Woollahra
Queen's Court 118 Queen Street
Woollahra, Sydney
Monday to Friday 7.30am-5.00pm
Saturday and Sunday 8.00am-5.00pm
10% surcharge on weekends and public holidays
Related GrabYourFork posts:
bills Darlinghurst
bills Surry Hills (breakfast)
bills Surry Hills (dinner)
bills Woollahra (Jun 2007)
posted by Anonymous on 1/15/2007 08:47:00 pm

At 1/15/2007 9:07 pm,
PiCkLeS said…
would u believe that Jacky doesn't like Bill's scrambled eggs and as a result refuses to take me!
At 1/15/2007 9:27 pm,
Jess (fushmush) said…
The first time I ate it Bills I tried their famous scrambled eggs and experienced the same problem you did. I was unable to finish them because they were far too creamy.
The next time I ate the Ricotta hotcakes with much more success. My pick for Bills! mmmmm, I'm drooling just thinking about them.
At 1/15/2007 10:24 pm,
Anonymous said…
but where in Woollahra? i had to go all the way to the bills website to find out where! you have indeed convinced me that i need to go asap... now the question is which one? *sigh* perhaps i shall have to follow you and go to each one [in your divine order of course]
At 1/16/2007 5:29 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen, Much as I like bills' fares, I am not at all keen on his mad grab for cash. A simple breakfast for 2 with zero change from $50? Not exactly cheap eats. I know the quality is often a notch higher than most, but still ...
At 1/16/2007 7:12 am,
Lilia said…
I went to bills in Surry Hills as I was attracted by your article about the moist and creamy scrambled eggs. However, when I come there I didn't like anything else other than the toasted coconut bread and the scrambled eggs.
The bacon was very salty, I only able to eat half of the portion. I never eat a very salty bacon like that. The sourdough toast was only toasted lightly.
I like the coconut bread eventhough I hate the effect of eating lamington with coconut, the bills coconut bread is edible for me. The scambled egg is nice, full and creamy but I miss something special in there, don't know what it is.
At 1/16/2007 7:34 am,
MissK said…
This is the only one of the three i haven't tried and seems to be the only one with out a queue,might need to go to try the hot chocolate.
At 1/16/2007 2:45 pm,
Thyme to Feast said…
I love Bills food but 3 times ive gone to the Surry Hills store and 3 times we had to wait over 2 hours for our meal, i nearly passed out...maybe i should give Woollahra a go...
At 1/17/2007 9:05 am,
Yvo Sin said…
Mmm, looks delish, but the chocolate is getting to me... yum yum!
At 1/17/2007 9:39 am,
Ange said…
I love Bills brekky though as I live in Melbourne I have not been able to try out his lovely cafes, insteead I have been busy working my way through his books & cooking his breakfasts myself & they are all superb so the real thing must be even better! If I ever find myself in Sydney it will be my first stop...
At 1/18/2007 12:42 am,
Squishy said…
I will go there next time in Sydney. It looks really great. P.S. I can't stand runny eggs. Love poached, adore the way that gooey orangy yellow floods my plate. MMMMMMMMM Sacriliciousness!!!
At 1/18/2007 8:45 am,
Anonymous said…
Whooooh - another Bills to visit. I have been to S. Hill and Darlinghurst - and now have a fab reason / excuse for a visit to Sydney. It will definately be the hotcakes for me. If you have not tried them you seriously should. Just plan your day around a little nap later on when the sugar rush wears off. When I was there last they kindly gave us the recipe!
At 1/19/2007 2:50 pm,
Anonymous said…
I ate at Bills in Darlinghurst after reading RW Apple's review in the New York Times. I had the cornfritters with bacon and I've never gone back for anything but coffee. Bacon was terrible ("tasted of death" is the only way I can describe it) and the prices seemed sort of silly. As is the case with many Sydney must-go-to restaurants, seems like the place was maybe once good and is now subsisting on hype and myth (That terrible pie shop, Harry de wheels also falls into this category.)
His cookbooks are great though--simple home cooking. And that coconut bread is divine.
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