Taronga Zoo, Sydney

Komodo dragon
It hadn't been that long since I last visited Taronga Zoo, but with a two-year old nephew in tow, it was amazing how exciting and wonderful everything seemed again.
We visited on one of the busiest days during the Christmas break. The long hot summer day brought back memories of school excursions with activity sheets, and sticky bodies peeling off vinyl seats on the airless clamouring bus.
On this day however, we jostled with families, kids and plenty of prams. A lovely day out, and a chance to take photos that didn't involve food. Nothing I'd want to eat anyway.


Giraffe snacks before the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Giraffes admire the view


Sydney Harbour Bridge with passing ferry

Owl landing with the help of a young volunteer
during the Free Flight Bird Show

Galah cockatoo returns a two-dollar coin
during the Free Flight Bird Show




Himalayan tahr


Now that's flexible

Are you feeling the yawn reflex too?
Taronga Zoo
Bradley's Head Road, Mosman, Sydney
To celebrate Taronga Zoo's 90th birthday, if you visit the zoo on your birthday you only pay 90c. Valid till 30 June 2007. Conditions here
posted by Anonymous on 1/04/2007 11:59:00 pm

At 1/05/2007 5:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Those two sightseeing giraffes for the win.
At 1/05/2007 8:28 am,
Veruca Salt said…
GReat photos. I had no idea a giraffe could bect it's neck that way.
I love their patterns. Would make a great throw rug (joke)
At 1/05/2007 9:05 am,
Liz + Louka said…
Isn't the bird show awesome? My mothers group went to the zoo recently with our 9-month-olds, and it was great, though the babies were often more interested in the wire of the cages than the animals :)
At 1/05/2007 10:12 am,
Anonymous said…
Those animals have a good view from their home. It must be expensive to live in there :)
At 1/05/2007 5:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
the sightseeing giraffes are so cute..like2 lovers..haha ;)
At 1/05/2007 8:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
What camera do you use? The photos are excellent. Am not much of an expert, but looks like you have used the zoom feature and the clarity is great. The Taronga Zoo is such a fun place, we were there in October to celebrate my daughter's second birthday, and she just loved the monkeys!
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