Would you like Grab Your Fork to win?
If you think Grab Your Fork is worthy of Best Food Blog - Restaurant Reviews, then vote now. Voting ends 4pm Wednesday Sydney-time. That's less than two hours to go.
posted by Anonymous on 1/10/2007 02:13:00 pm

At 1/10/2007 4:01 pm,
neil said…
Hah, I just tried to give you another vote, but it looks like you don't need it!
At 1/10/2007 5:31 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey.. Helen,
I voted last nite.. and got Papa BoK to vote from the store too.. :)
At 1/11/2007 8:45 am,
Anonymous said…
Helen, congratulations - yet more accolades for Grab Your Fork - can you take it! Well done, you definitely deserved it.
At 1/11/2007 7:54 pm,
Reid said…
CONGRATS! :) I knew you'd win and I'm so happy for you....hope to see you in Sydney.
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