Snapped: Sailing on Sydney Harbour

It's been a wet and blustery rain-soaked weekend.
So I’m staring at these sailing photos, taken earlier this year, with prolonged wistfulness.
The sun was out, the skies were blue, and the wind was amiably filling our sails. I was the winch woman for the port side, and apart from some frantic wrapping at one stage, it was a leisurely carefree afternoon spent on sun-kissed waters.
And sure, I'm a biased Sydney-sider who loves her hometown, but there's something rather special about sailing past the Opera House on your left, as you head towards and underneath the familiarly iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.

posted by Anonymous on 9/10/2006 11:24:00 pm

At 9/11/2006 11:41 am,
Jen said…
the weather has been insane this weekend it's crazy!!!
I have to agree with you, we have the best harbour in the entire world.
At 9/11/2006 12:30 pm,
PiCkLeS said…
This is the view from my office and I can't get enough!!....although I tried to sit by the water to have lunch with Jacky once and was attacked by seagulls (so much for romance).
What horrible weather! it ruined all my plans for further market exploration. Hope all is well.
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