Christmas gingerbread

December is always crazy busy.
But when you're kneading gingerbread, feeling its soft squishy mass beneath your palm and breathing in the intoxicating aroma of ginger, all spice and sweet sticky treacle, it's just enough to make your shoulders relax, your stress ease and a little cheeky smile erupt at all the good food that lies ahead.

Little lunchpail boxes of iced gingerbread help spread the Christmas cheer among friends.
And today, we're decorating our gingerbread houses made from scratch.

Remember not everyone has good food ahead, so make sure you donate to Menu For Hope. You could win yourself a very cool prize in the process as well.
posted by Anonymous on 12/16/2006 01:39:00 pm

At 12/16/2006 6:51 pm,
Kelly said…
These are so cute Helen! Hope you have a great Christmas :-)
At 12/16/2006 9:43 pm,
Jen said…
Those are just too adorable! I can totally see how making these cookies can be so therapeudic.
By the way where did you get those gorgeous gift boxes?
At 12/17/2006 8:00 am,
Anonymous said…
Where did you get those great boxes? I make chocolate rum balls (Lindt 85% cocoa chocolate, hmmm) and almond cookies to give as Xmas gifts, but I've never seen boxes that cool!
At 12/17/2006 4:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
hey, where did u buy the box ? they're cute
At 12/18/2006 7:15 am,
Reb said…
CAn't wait to see the GB Houses! I used to make them for my cousins when they were little. They tore them apart and gobbled them all by the end of the day.
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