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Friday, November 20, 2009

Freebie Friday: Win a bottle of Bundaberg Reserve Rum

It's Freebie Friday!

This week we're giving away five bottles of Bundaberg Reserve Rum. Reserve Rum is a premium spirit that has a rich, dark character with hints of oak and caramel.

For a limited time, Bundaberg is also offering personalised labels, so the winners will be able to have their own name printed on the bottle - that's one way to stop people raiding your liquor cabinet! You can also create labels with different messages - perfect for gift-giving, especially with Christmas only around the corner!

One bottle of Bundaberg Reserve Rum (five bottles to win)
RRP $49.95

This competition is open to Australian residents only.
* You must be over 18 to enter this competition and be able to provide proof of age.

All you have to do is:
  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell us why you want to win. How will you enjoy it or who would you give it to?

  2. And send an email to grabyourforkfreebiefriday@yahoo.com.au with the subject heading "Bundaberg" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment on this post.
The winning entry will be decided on honesty or entertainment value. Don't be shy! You gotta be in it to win it! Readers may submit one entry per day.

Please make sure you comment and send an email so I have your contact details should you win!

The Bundaberg Reserve Rum competition closes on Friday 04/12/09 at 5.30pm AEST. The winner will be announced on Grab Your Fork on Monday 07/12/09.


Have you entered the competition to win a Scanpan Classic Roaster valued at $258? Entries close today, Friday 20/11/09 5.30pm. Enter now!

EDIT 7 DEC 09: Congratulations to all the winners.
28 comments - Add some comment love

posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 11/20/2009 12:52:00 am


  • At 11/20/2009 8:34 am, Blogger Brian Ballsun-Stanton said…

    I plan to use it mainly as an experiment in rum drinking. As a poor Ph.D student I tend not to be able to afford the luxury of trying different alcohols. Therefore, as a freebie I can share this with friends without worrying about wasted money.

  • At 11/20/2009 9:31 am, Blogger Apple said…

    Honestly. Rum Balls.
    I've never tried to make them myself. But a great big batch of rum balls. And a glass of rum at Christmas to share with the family would be great.

  • At 11/20/2009 10:44 am, Anonymous Fiona said…

    I would use it at my cocktail party! The more spirits the merrier!

  • At 11/20/2009 11:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will gift wrap it and give it to my very good friend who is quite partial to Bundy, we haven't seen each other for a year so we will crack it open and get stuck in.

  • At 11/20/2009 11:55 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    morning morning, i have tried numerous attempts to post you my comment/story of epic proportions, but i keep getting an error when ever i try to post it, please check your email, if you can post it up somehow that would be great.

  • At 11/20/2009 12:13 pm, Blogger Jasmine1485 said…

    My dad has been drinking Bundy rum for longer than I've been alive - I get all nostalgic thinking about him sitting down to watch TV of a evening and relaxing with a Bundy and coke. I know he's probably expecting a bottle of cheap port for Christmas (due to budget, not stinginess I promise!), and it would be nice to surprise him with a classier kind of Christmas cheer. That way I'll know the post-present smile and thank you will be 100% authentic (and hey, maybe I'll get a drink out of it too)!

  • At 11/20/2009 1:20 pm, Anonymous Audrey said…

    I tasted rum once and hated the stuff. totally regret using money to purchase it...though that was 4years ago. this win would allow me to retaste it (for less) and let me re-establish my tastebuds towards the drink. love it or hate it...who knows

  • At 11/20/2009 3:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I'm a big rum fan, Love me some rum. Dark rum. The darker the better. What I don't particularly like is the 'ol bundaberg. Bought some a while back for mulled wine, & drinking the remainder of the bottle on a nightly basis was a struggle. Honestly. But this, this Reserve rum, with it's classy dark merchandising and words like oak and caramel which sound good int he same sentance as rum. This might convert me to be all patriotic in my alchohol comsumption. Hopefully a bottle of this stuff could bring me round to love the polar bears product.

  • At 11/20/2009 3:16 pm, Anonymous Michaela said…

    I would like to win to give my partner David a well deserved reward for adjusting his eating habits.

  • At 11/20/2009 9:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I would love to drink the rum with my hun! It's been 5 long months between drinks (so to speak) and I could think of nothing nicer that sitting out the back with my man on the trampoline when he gets home drinking a Reserve Bundy and coke...so Australian!

  • At 11/20/2009 10:36 pm, Anonymous taroinbrisbane said…

    As a proud Queenslander (well at least for the past 5years), I have special respect for Bundaberg Rum. And this special version with emphasis on "dark", it entices the adultiest of adults. If I win this prize, I promise I will taste test it in comparison with the standard Bundy and make one of the following rum recipes and blog about it. Rum Raisin ice cream, Rum Pound Cake, Crepe with Rum Cream Dollop or a glass of Rum and Coke. Come on Helen, give it to me in the name of contributing to the enhancement of the blog culture!

  • At 11/21/2009 8:29 pm, Blogger cyberiagirl said…

    I've been trying to decide for months what to make people as Christmas presents this year and rum balls would be great! I want to give the money I save on buying presents to charity while still giving my family members something they will like and who doesn't love chocolate and alcohol?!

  • At 11/21/2009 10:37 pm, Anonymous The Ninja said…

    I would give it to my shooter and take numerous photos. I would laugh at the irony then wonder why exactly I was laughing. I would then proceed to cure my forgetfulness with more rum.

  • At 11/22/2009 11:52 am, Blogger fennalia said…

    I just finish my last drop of bundaberg rum yesterday making rum and raisin cupcakes. I need more rum.....


  • At 11/23/2009 1:40 pm, Blogger shirley said…

    I would give it to my boyfriend as part of his birthday present (which is on the 7th of December). He deserves it because he hasn't been having the best time at work but he keeps plugging on and trying his hardest. I'm really proud of him and want to reward with his own personalised bottle of Bundy!

    Also if I got to share it with him then that would be a bonus!

  • At 11/23/2009 10:05 pm, Blogger M R said…

    The Liquor cabinet is considerably bare and coming up to Xmas, nothing better brings a bit of extra bit of Xmas cheer than a drop of Bundy.

    quote J.Sparrow "But why is the rum gone?!"

  • At 11/25/2009 12:17 pm, Blogger bri said…

    I'd give it to my partner for Christmas. We agreed not to buy each other anything this year, as we are heading to Thailand early next year and saving money for that - but this wouldn't count as a purchase, right? ;)
    He definitely deserves it, for being so wonderful to me.

  • At 11/25/2009 5:57 pm, Anonymous Wendy said…

    I would use it to make Mango Daiquiris for my new husband and in-laws on Christmas Day!

  • At 11/25/2009 8:03 pm, Anonymous Kate said…

    Oh god - tell me I'm not too late!!

    I have to confess I have two resons for entering to win Bundaberg Reserve.... well, far more than two, but let's go with the best.

    1. Rum is awesome. Bundaberg rum = ever more awesome. Awesomer? Awesomebetter? I'm prepared to make up words here, I warn you.

    2. I cannot tell you how much I want my name on a bottle. I think this goes back to those lovely days before I realised I'd never be clever enough to own a vineyard. Ah, childhood dreams.

    I'd say something so wonderfully funny, painfully honest, and perfectly erudite here that you couldn't help but shower me with Bundy Reserve, but unfortunately I have no rum to smooth along my writin prowress.

    On second thoughts, that might not be a bad thing - being showered with rum sounds kind of sticky and it IS hot outside....

  • At 11/26/2009 11:53 am, Anonymous Cheryl Adelaide said…

    With Christmas coming up a couple of bottles of Bundy is a necessity, I need quite a bit for all the rumballs I make for family and friends and me too of course and then I do like to tipple a little whilst I am doing my Chrissy baking, oh yes and then I have to have some for Christmas day as well!

  • At 11/26/2009 4:52 pm, Blogger Maggie said…

    I just LOVE Bundy - I love drinking it, adding it to the Christmas cooking, drinking it, drinking a wee bit more, adding a bit more to the cooking and then having another drink!!! Bundy rocks!!

  • At 11/30/2009 11:00 am, Anonymous cassandra said…

    If Im to win I will be doing a couple of things on making Rum balls!!!! while drinking Bundy and coke :) Sharing it with some good mates when on holidays in Brisbane for Christmas. My dad sure would like a glass :)

  • At 11/30/2009 1:13 pm, Anonymous IceCold said…

    I love Bundy Rum - I cook with it - rum balls and christmas cakes, and I drink it - theres nothing better than a tall glass of rum and coke on ice in the arvo - and rum with lemonade is one recent discovery which I am most partial to! I would love to give this bottle to my partner for xmas to add to our rather large bundy rum collection!

  • At 11/30/2009 7:15 pm, Anonymous JD Adair said…

    Winning would mean a toss-up between giving as a gift to my dad or keeping for cocktail night this Christmas (which my dad would be at anyway so he'd get some either way, win!)

    Either way, it's a perfect drink for the season!

  • At 12/04/2009 9:28 am, Anonymous PolaBear said…

    During a recent holiday, I was stuck in a shop whilst the wife was browsing doilies or something similarly ridiculous. Over the shops' speakers came the Andrew Sisters singing a song which I'd heard many times before but could never, until that day, work out what the lyrics were. They were singing "rum and coca-cola" but of course, it sounded more like "ruman cocoa... Kala" and "working for the Yankee dollar". So not only did I think, "Wow - the Andre Sisters are singing about liquor and prostitution" but I was also thinking "man, I'm sick of these doilies, I could do with a rum and coke right now". And what better way to enjoy a rum and coke than with a bottle of Bundaberg Reserve!

  • At 12/04/2009 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bundy is awesome, when homesick in London we used to go to the one bar we knew served it and have a rockin' night out (and no, we weren't with the bogans boys in the back, who appeared to be permanent fixtures). Now home in Sydney town, Bundy was what I bought duty free on the way in and has been enjoyed. What better way to celebrate Christmas and Summer in Sydney than with my own special reserve edition bottle? And of course, I need some to make rum balls for Chrissy day! Always takes me home.

  • At 12/04/2009 2:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My fiancee is a rum drinker and I'd love to win this to surprise him with as a wedding gift on our wedding day! :)

  • At 10/28/2012 5:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bundy Reserve best rum going - better than all previous Bundy Rum and no comparison to new Bundy Rum that has replaced it.


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