Cafe Joy, Haymarket
Cafe Joy sits on the corner of Quay and Thomas streets. Students are constantly sitting at the window counters digging into their meals, and most impressively--I would note as I walked past--they had a bottle of my favourite sambal asli chilli sauce on every table (Cap Ibu Jari Jempol).
So I really really wanted to like this place. It was cheap. It was relatively unknown. It was filled with Indonesian uni students.

Nasi Tim Ayam $7.90
Hainam chicken rice with mushroom and chicken served with soup

Nasi Rawon $8.50
Tasty tender diced beef cooked in East Javanese-style black soup

Bakmi Komplit $8.50
Indonesian-style chicken noodle served with fried wonton and beef balls in soup

Beef balls in soup (served with the bakmi komplit)
After visiting here twice though, I've yet to be convinced. I had the nasi tim ayam on my first visit, and found the rice rather soggy and flavourless.
I was bubbling with excitement when I ordered the nasi rawon on my second visit. The picture out the front had a black, opaque soup, seemingly rich with flavour. Alas my soup was merely tinged with brown, very salty and I found my beef a little tough and stringy, rather than "tasty and tender". My dining partner's bakmi komplit looked a lot more appetising (darn it, don't you hate it when you get order-envy?).
The food here reminded me of home-cooked meals. Simple, uncomplicated and far blander than I expected Indonesian food to be. Maybe that's the appeal for the Indonesian students here.
Perhaps I don't appreciate good Indonesian food. Maybe I've missed the point. But despite the name, there's no joy for me here I'm afraid.

Tel: 02 9212 1991
posted by Anonymous on 5/15/2005 11:59:00 pm

At 5/15/2005 11:52 pm,
Reid said…
Hi AG,
I love Indonesian food. It's a shame that there is only one Indonesian restaurant here and it's buffet only. I feel like I'm at the mercy of the Chinese owner! LOL!
At 5/16/2005 1:07 am,
Ms One Boobie said…
I've definitely seen beter indonesian food.
At 5/16/2005 11:32 am,
deborah said…
Hey AG - I've wanted to eat here since Haymarket has been one of my student haunts for 5 odd years. I have yet to make it there.
At 5/16/2005 3:31 pm,
eat stuff said…
Hi AG,
There is so much good indo food in Sydney, make a trip over to Kingsford the mecca of indo food :). Get some Ayam dada Bakar/Goreng, Ketoprak/Gado Gado, Empal Goreng and Emping... :), or Soto Ayam be sure to have HEAPS of Sambal Terasi with the chicken.
At 8/16/2007 1:54 pm,
Anonymous said…
its not the best indo restaurant, but you can try the ayam penyet or ayam bakar , they are not bad
At 8/16/2007 10:01 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi abc - Thanks for the recommendations. I'll keep them in mind the next time I'm in there :)
At 12/23/2007 2:36 am,
Chunky Bacon said…
I lament the state of Sydney's Indo food scene
At 12/24/2007 11:13 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Unablogger - Let me know if you find anything that tickles your fancy. I think Kingsford is probably your best bet.
At 3/15/2010 11:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
OMG, Cafe Joy has been newly renovated and I heard that it's been taken over by a new owner. It's much more cozy and brighter. I noticed that Cafe Joy is much more organized and they've added many more dishes on the menu and the food is so much more delicious and Yummy. My favourite food is lamb curry (tongseng). Try it guys! u won't regret it.
At 3/17/2010 1:42 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Anon - Thanks for the update. I had noticed the Cafe Joy seems to have been renovated recently. Have yet to check it out - may have to pay a follow-up visit soon!
At 3/18/2010 11:28 pm,
Annice said…
Hi AG,
I just went to the cafe a couple of days ago, it's actually the only place in sydney that sells chicken risoles (indonesian chicken roll. I had chicken balado which I would highly recommend for those spicy food lovers with ice durian. The durian was simply too good (esp on the hot weather)! Definately coming back to try more food there!
At 3/18/2010 11:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone,
no doubt, this place is one of the best indonesian cuisine I ever tasted.
At 3/24/2010 2:02 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Annice - Thanks for the info - I will have to check out those Indonesian rissoles pronto! I'm a big fan of durian so will have to seek that out too - sounds like a perfect match with the chicken balado!
Hi Anon - You sound like quite a fan. Thanks for your input!
At 7/25/2011 2:11 pm,
Dim said…
such a shame that that was your experience. one of the first things i ordered there wss the bakmi komplit and i also found it bland. but then i tried the gulei, ayam kari, nasi goreng, kwe tiau goreng and they definitely werent bland. i never really had much indonesian food so i just order anything to try and it's definitely a place i love getting food from
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