Lemon sour cream cake recipe

I would have missed this 8th Sugar High Friday event had I not been browsing The Delicious Life late on Thursday afternoon. What? An SHF event is due in 24hrs? *yelp* *panic*
This month's host, Alice, chose citrus for this edition's theme... lemon, limes, oranges etc. Hmmm.. what to make, what to make. Until --inspiration! I'd only just been commenting on Niki's blog about her sour cream chocolate cake with raspberries. I mentioned my favourite lemon sour cream cake, to which Niki insisted I post the recipe. Well hey hey hey, talk about killing two birds with one stone!
Quick nip up to the shops, back home and wham bam, three hours later, the house was filled with that wonderful aroma of butter, sugar and lemon swirling intoxicatingly from the oven. It smelt so good I wanted to bottle it. But hey, why not make your cake and eat it too...

Lemon sour cream cake
From the Australian Women's Weekly Cakes and Slices cookbook
250g butter
2 tsp grated lemon rind
2 cups caster sugar
6 eggs
2 cups plain flour
1/4 cup self-raising flour
200g carton sour cream
Grease a deep 27cm round cake pan, line base with paper; grease paper.
Cream butter, rind and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs one at a time, beat until combined.
Stir in half the sifted flours with half the sour cream.
Then stir in remaining sifted flours and cream.
Stir until smooth.
Spread mixture into pre-prepared pan.
Bake in moderately slow oven (160-180C / 325-350F) for about 1.5 hours.
Stand 5 minutes before turning on to wire rack to cool.
Keeps for one week.
I put extra lemon rind for bonus tang. This cake is super super moist although my cake never quite turns out like the one in the picture (theirs looks a lot more buttery and finer in texture). I also should have dusted this lightly with icing sugar but we'd run out and the clock was ticking.
This is a failproof way to get a moist rich cake that keeps very well. But then, what would you expect from a cake that has this much fat and cholesterol in it? Hush hush. Let's not talk about that for the moment. Just put the kettle on, settle into your favourite lounge chair and... enjoy. Just keep the defibrillators on standby.
For all the tart and tangy entries around the world, check out the full wrapup of entries by Alice from My Adventures in the Breadbox.
posted by Anonymous on 5/20/2005 12:01:00 am

At 5/20/2005 1:21 am,
eat stuff said…
oooh sounds like I might have to get my arse into gear asap in the morning :)
At 5/20/2005 7:26 am,
pinkcocoa said…
hey AG
Your lemon sour cream looks yum yum! Sheesh, I only have this morning left to make something up for SHF!!! Ahhhhh o_O...
At 5/20/2005 9:23 am,
Anonymous said…
Yum, sounds wonderful. I just may have to make my own lemon sour cream cake, and you bet...eat it too. I'm glad you found out about this month's event...am only sorry it was at the last minute.
At 5/20/2005 10:37 am,
Niki said…
Oh BUGGER! I had a feeling that it was about SHF time, but I didn't hear who was hosting it. There really needs to be a reminder alert service for these events. Hmmmm...I'll have to think of something today. Although making something sugary and citrussy tonight will interfere with my Eurovision viewing! Hmmm...there's a really simple recipe for Lemon Posset in one of Jill Dupleix's books. Hmmm.
Mmmmm....your cake does indeed look mighty fine!! Yum scrum!
At 5/20/2005 2:52 pm,
Reid said…
Hi AG,
Thanks for posting this because I had no clue about who was hosting SHF this month. I didn't see anyone with information on it until just now. I hope that I'll be able to make something.
I love lemon...was this very tart?
At 5/21/2005 2:16 am,
tanvi said…
oh WOW! this is like a dream dessert- i adore lemony things. i wouldnt worry about yours not looking like the magazine's. its plenty delicious looking to me!
At 5/21/2005 11:42 am,
Nic said…
I love using sour cream in cakes. This month's SHF is providing some incredibly addictive looking recipes.
At 5/22/2005 10:04 am,
Ms One Boobie said…
Yums..!! i so envy all of you .. !! Baking is like so easy to you all..!!! i'm gonna have to try my hand at it soon.. :)
At 5/23/2005 3:01 am,
Anonymous said…
Yum! This recipe sounds easy, but the cake looks really soft, moist, and lemony. Yum yum! :)
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