Food for Thought
In the interim, those of you in Sydney may be interested in an upcoming food writing course with John Newton, a Good Living regular contributor and recent gold ladle winner for Best Food Journalist in the 2005 World Food Media Awards.
Writing About Food is being run through the UTS Centre for New Writing and starts on Tuesday February 7.
Or you could just read Peter Bartlett's article on How to Write Bitchy Restaurant Reviews.
Other articles for would-be reviewers:
Food Critics' Guidelines from the Association of Food Journalists
The Way to a Reader's Heart by Jacqueline Harmon Butler at Wild Writing Women
The Perils of Writing Restaurant Reviews from Erik's Rants and Recipes
Tips on Food Writing from Media Bistro
Writing About Diet, Nutrition and Food by Kelly James-Enger at
For reviewees:
How to Use Publicity to Offset Bad Restaurant Reviews by Joan Stewart from The Publicity Hound
posted by Anonymous on 1/24/2006 06:13:00 pm

At 1/24/2006 7:11 pm,
Rachel said…
I read the "How to write bitchy restaurant reviews" reeeow *hiss hiss* Its a tough world out there! But if a restaurant can take it as contsructively as possible and maybe invite the reviewer back after a few months, they might be able to redeem themselves? Or am I being too idealistic..
At 1/25/2006 1:32 pm,
Julia said…
Thanks for the heads-up, how fantastic that this is on offer! Very tempted to enrol...
At 1/26/2006 10:34 am,
Mona said…
How fun, can't wait to read Bartlett's article-sounds like it'd be right up my alley:)
At 1/27/2006 10:07 am,
deborah said…
Hope your pc get better soon!
That course looked really good when I hear about it last year -so I enroled! Will be interesting to contextualise everything about food. Are you taking it too?
At 1/31/2006 8:47 am,
Reb said…
I work at UTS so if you want more of this sort of stuff like food writing short courses then go along. It's all about supply and demand so if you want it, and there's enough people to take the course, they'll run it and expand it too. It would be great to see a review of the course somewhere in the blogosphere as well, so do tell if you go along.
Also, great resources you posted - thanks for leads!
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