Marrickville Festival

Dancers from the Filipino Inner West Migrant Group
Marrickville is one of Sydney's booming suburbs. In the 1950s it flourished with the influx of Greek migrants, in the 1980s it welcomed a burgeoning Vietnamese community. These days it basks in a diverse mix of cheap restaurants, Asian grocery stores, Vietnamese bakeries and yeeros shops. Over the past couple of years, new apartment blocks have been springing up with increasing rapidity and young urban professionals have been moving on in.
On Sunday I headed to the Marrickville Festival, a day for the community to celebrate its multicultural roots with music, food and performance on its main arterial, Marrickville Road, closed to traffic for the day.

Nougat from Nougat Limar

Marrickville police: here to help, and give temporary tattoos


Takoyaki stall
They're at every festival!

Triple wok power

Kung fu demonstration from the Sydney Self Defence Centre

Marrickville Festival is an annual event held in mid-September.
This year's festival was held on 17 September 2006 on Marrickville Road.
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Bankstown Bites Festival 2005
Campsie Food Festival 2006
Campsie Food Festival 2005
Campsie Food Festival 2004
Lakemba Haldon Street Festival 2006
Lakemba Haldon Street Festival 2005
Petersham Portuguese Food Festival 2006
Petersham Portuguese Food Festival 2005
Randwick Indonesian Festival, 2006
posted by Anonymous on 9/18/2006 10:49:00 pm

At 9/19/2006 1:00 am,
Tubby said…
Wow how do you manage to keep up with all these festivals? I've been missing out on every single one =( What's coming up next? Great pictures btw and that Takoyaki stall seems to pop up at every single festival! Oh and I made my blog public now =) I seem to be having lots of problems with my did you get those categories you have on the right side of your blog? And how do you change the colour of your posting titles? =/
At 9/19/2006 5:34 am,
Anonymous said…
What a fascinating cross section of the diversity of your community.
At 9/19/2006 11:16 am,
Jen said…
Helen, you are a market/festival tour de force! How do you do it?
Well however it is you do so, please continue because you always take beautiful photographs and give your readers a wonderful insight into the diversity of Sydney.
At 9/19/2006 7:43 pm,
Anonymous said…
hee hee pure brilliance
and the marrickville area have good TKD teams i know
i havent been to festival in aggess! You have made me determined to find one and go thhxxx! going to indulge on takoyaki ^^!
At 9/19/2006 8:50 pm,
thanh7580 said…
Tubby, I think you will find that the drop down menus can be added by adding the code to your template. You need a program (such as Microsoft Frontpage) to edit the html of this page for instance and copy the appropriate code. I must admit that I also "borrowed" Helen's drop down menus and added them on my blog too. Then each time you do a post, you need to add the url of that post to the template under the appropriate category. As for the colour of the post, thats all hard coded into the template too. So you need to find out where in the code that is and change the hexadecimal value to another one for another colour.
Helen, how come there seem to be so many Takoyaki stalls in Sydney while I never seen one in Melbourne.
Also a question not quite related to food, how long does it take you to do a post. I find with photo intensive posts, it takes quite a while. The main problem is that it is hard to load photos in blogger sometimes, it just won't load. I've switched to using Flickr but it also has its problem. Flickr doesn't give you a direct link to the photo so that you can embed it in the post and also link it externally without having to look up the static url by using the properties. Sorry for the long comment but I see that you use Flickr too but you post the photos in blogger first then change the external link to Flickr. Is there another way to do it that is quicker?
At 9/20/2006 8:49 pm,
Tubby said…
Thanks for the help thanh7580 and helen :) Seems so complicated...not sure if i should wait for the beta-testings to be done or not...and I really have no idea how to use Microsoft frontpage..but I have a clearer idea of what I need to be on the lookout for now...thanks guys :)
Jen (
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