Happy feasting

Merry Christmas!
In a time when many of us quietly appreciate how lucky we all are, know that your efforts in our Menu for Hope campaign have raised a phenomenal amount of monies raised that will be used to help others not so fortunate. The final amount of funds raised for the United Nations World Programme was US$58,256.70. That's an increase of 342% from last year!
Congratulations to every one involved for a herculean effort. Raffle ticket entries have now closed, with winners announced on January 15 at Chez Pim.

Grab Your Fork wishes you and your families good times and good food during the festive season.
Here's to treasured family, steadfast friends and exciteable children, whose beaming faces and infectious smiles remind us all, of how soon we forget the joy to be found in the littlest things.
Here's to happy feasting and extra dessert.
And here's to belts.
And the wonders of elastic.

posted by Anonymous on 12/25/2006 08:03:00 pm

At 12/25/2006 9:30 pm,
Vintage Wine said…
Merry Christmas!
I hope you're having a lovely holiday with lots of good food :-)
At 12/26/2006 9:21 am,
Veruca Salt said…
Merry Xmas & happy eating. Keep up all the good work.
At 12/27/2006 4:52 am,
Yvo Sin said…
Happy Holidays, lovely! I ah, wore a skirt with an elastic waistband this past weekend :D
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