Schoc Chocolates, Wellington

Chilli hot chocolate
Smoked paprika, sweet basil or olive?
I'm a bit like a kid in a candy store, except I'm in a chocolate store, and I'm in Schoc.
Schoc Chocolates do amazing things with chocolate, and this little cafe not far from Te Papa, was near the top of my list of Things To Do In Wellington.
It's a cosy little shop that greets me: silver counter cafe at the front, chocolate-filled cabinets out the back. My chilli hot chocolate is rich with cocoa, decadently creamy and has a potent chilli afterkick. The silver metal spoon is necessary for the dregs of chocolate at the bottom. It doubles as a funky straw as well.

Schoc chocolate tablets: sea salt bittersweet, olive, lime chilli,
strawberry and black pepper, schocbittersweet, and Earl Grey tea
And then there's the chocolate. I spend about ten minutes at the counter, deliberating over a whole smorgasboard of choices that run from sweet to savoury.
I come away with a bounty of chocolate tablets. The lime chilli is particularly spicy, sharp with the taste of lime and almost peppery hot in aftertaste. The sea salt bittersweet is particularly intriguing, leaving an unusual slippery residue on the tongue. Earl Grey tea is full of bergamot aroma and flavour.
Strawberry and black pepper isn't as sweet as I'd expect, although the bits of dried strawberry are genuine and always a welcome surprise. The schocbittersweet is earthy and intense with cocoa solids of 76.5%.
But my favourite is actually the olive dark chocolate. There's a slight salty oiliness to the chocolate, but it's evenly balanced and the bits of black olive are strangely addictive. It's bizarre but it works.
And that shouldn't be such a shock afterall.

Schoc Chocolates
11 Tory Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (04) 382 8907
Monday to Friday 7.30am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm

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posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 9/09/2007 11:07:00 pm

At 9/10/2007 7:52 am,
M-H said…
My friend James lives almost next door to their factory in Greytown so I usually get a visit when I'm visitng him. I find their combinations strange but oddly compelling.
At 9/10/2007 12:08 pm,
Diane said…
The varieties of chocolates from Schoc are intriguing and downright wild!! Thanks for the link to their site... I never thought of chocolate as a life changer, but most certainly as a life enhancer. btw, you have a great blog.
At 9/10/2007 7:21 pm,
Anonymous said…
Yum yum yum. There's nothing like a cup of proper hot chocolate made from actual chocolate instead of powder! Because we lack anything even remotely like it on the Gold Coast I overdosed at Koko Black in Melbourne. I will be sure to check out Schoc when next in NZ!
At 9/10/2007 11:13 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi M-H - I love their unusual combinations. I wanted to try them all! I'm kicking myself I didn't buy their basil version :)
Hi Diane - Chocolate is always a life changer :) and thanks for your comment too. Glad to hear you're enjoying the blog.
Hi Goldie - Oh yes real hot chocolate is something else!
At 9/15/2008 6:14 am,
Zeb said…
Mmmm yum, I am slowly savouring a piece of the Lavendar Dark Schoc chocolate while I write this.
Came across your blog post while searching for stores that sell Schoc chocolate.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much, and work is blocking the actual Schoc site!
Will try again when I get home, and also forward your blog address home to read. Looks very interesting indeed!
At 9/15/2008 11:49 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Zeb - Oh yes I do wish we had the whole range of Schoc available here. Hope you enjoy the rest of that lavendar chocolate and happy reading :)
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