Christmas gingerbread

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
My kitchen certainly smelled a lot like Christmas this past week, with batches of gingerbread and shortbread filling the air with the gorgeous smell of ginger, golden syrup, lemon and butter.
A newly acquired icing kit finally got a workout on my gingerbread shapes, made using my usual tried-and-trusted gingerbread recipe. I think my royal icing was probably a little thicker than it should have been, but it was certainly fun decorating the gingerbread. In fact, I think the use of plain white icing is much more visually effective than our usual coloured icing efforts.
I made only a slight variation to the gingerbread recipe, reducing the brown sugar a little and replacing it with golden syrup to ensure extra crisp biscuits (my favourite!). For a triple batch of gingerbread (yes, I never bake by halves) I think you probably only need one egg white's worth of royal icing, maybe two but certainly not three (oops).

So as 2008 draws to a close, I wish you, dear reader, a wonderful Christmas that is spent with good friends and cherished family. May you celebrate with great food, great company and lots of laughter.
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Recipe: Gingerbread men
Making a gingerbread house
posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 12/23/2008 11:31:00 pm

At 12/24/2008 1:08 am,
Anonymous said…
Adorable Helen! I agree that the white icing looks much more striking.
Merry Christmas!
At 12/24/2008 1:30 am,
Simon Leong said…
yum yum. they look so cool. i should try and find time next year to bake as well for xmas gifts.
S :-)
At 12/24/2008 7:25 am,
Y said…
Merry Christmas, Helen! Are you making gingerbread houses this year? I still remember the ones you made before, that were amazing!
At 12/24/2008 9:04 am,
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous. Just love the hats on the boys.
Happy holidays!
At 12/24/2008 10:07 am,
Miss Honey said…
They look beautiful! Have a great xmas Helen:D
At 12/24/2008 10:23 am,
Anonymous said…
ah they look delicious indeed. have an awesome christmas dude and may 2009 be just as food and fun filled!
At 12/24/2008 10:36 am,
Annie said…
Gingerbread girls with little bows - so sweet. Happy Christmas!
At 12/24/2008 12:49 pm,
OohLookBel said…
Hope you have a great Christmas, Helen, with all your lovely gingerbread. And it was nice meeting you this year.
At 12/24/2008 6:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
I was lucky enough to have sampled one of these and they were more than delightful!! DELICIOUS!!
Thanks Helen!!
Merry Christmas!!
At 12/24/2008 8:43 pm,
Anonymous said…
shame you are not going to be at K's boxing day party to share cookies!!! Wish you a feastful xmas with lots of yummy food!
At 12/24/2008 8:56 pm,
Anonymous said…
I like the snowflakes, and the ringers on the bells. Merry Christmas!
At 12/25/2008 11:29 am,
Anonymous said…
Merryy XMASS ^^!!! Hope you have a fun and relaxing one so far hee hee :)
I would love to be in your kitchen for this past week yummmmm! They look to tasttyyyy!
At 12/26/2008 12:57 am,
Suyin said…
Happy Christmas Helen! Thanks so much for all your great work on the blog this year. Hope you have a grea holiday season and I love the cachous as ringers on the bells!
At 12/26/2008 3:25 pm,
Anonymous said…
Very cute, the bells are especially adorable with the cachous. I hope you had a Merry Christmas full of fun, food and festivities! :)
At 12/27/2008 10:08 pm,
obachan said…
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Your cookies look so cute and yummy!
Here's to a wonderful 2009.
At 12/29/2008 9:57 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Christie - I think I'm going to stick to white icing from now on :) Actually easier to do and much more fun! Hope you had a lovely Christmas too!
Hi Simon - I always have grand plans to make Christmas gifts but don't get around to making half as much as I originally intended too! Gingerbread men are always a must though!
Hi Y - No I didn't get around to making gingerbread houses this year. A shame as decorating is so much fun! Maybe next year?
Hi Veruca Salt - lol. I like the dresses, myself :)
Hi Miss Honey - Thank you, and hope you had a lovely Christmas too!
Hi Chocolatesuze - Thanks. It's been a delicious year. Here's to more ice cream and chocolate adventures together in 2009 :)
Hi Annie - Thank you and hope you had a Merry Christmas too!
Hi Belle - Great to meet you too. Go food bloggers! Hope your Christmas was equally tasty.
Hi Alexandra - lol. Glad you managed to sample some! Hope you had a great Christmas too.
Hi Billy - It would've been fun to have a cookie swap! Looks like you guys had tasty fun tho'. I'm sure we both feasted wel!
Hi Arwen - Thank you and hope you had a wonderful Christmas too. The cachous were a last-minute inspiration!
Hi FFichiban - It's been lotsa fun and whilst my mind has been relaxing, my stomach hasn't really had a chance to!
Hi Suyin - Thank you and hope you had a great Christmas too!
Hi Lorraine - Thanks and hope you had a lovely Christmas too. It's been non-stop feasting, much like yourself I'm sure! It's all about priorities hey, tasty tasty priorities.
Hi Obachan - Thank you and so wonderful to hear from you. I was just thinking about you as I surveyed the sorry state of my balcony herbs! lol! Here's to a wonderful year ahead.
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