Chicken salad rice paper rolls

The other night we had Thai Beef Salad for dinner, so tasty and deliciously tempting that I ravenously grabbed my fork instead of the camera.
The next day the leftover bunches of mint, basil and coriander beckoned from the fridge with their summery clean freshness. Inspiration struck in the form of a Vietnamese-style chicken salad.
Cooked chicken thighs were pulled apart roughly and mixed with a rainbow of shredded cabbage, carrot and a leftover red capsicum. The green brigade of mint, basil and coriander were chopped coarsely and mixed though and a dressing of soy, fish sauce, fresh chilli and lime juice completed the party.
Then a lightbulb appeared and rice paper sheets became part of the festivities. A spoonful of salad (drained of excess dressing) rolled up in a softened rice paper sheet and served with a sauce of hoisin, peanut butter and lots of chilli sauce.
I made half my salad into rice paper rolls; the rest I ate out of a bowl with chopsticks, a handful of roasted peanuts on top for extra crunch. Yum.

posted by Anonymous on 11/26/2005 09:40:00 pm

At 11/27/2005 10:33 am,
Mona said…
Wow, what great pictures. And this is just the type of food I'm in the mood for now. So sick of turkey and potatoes from our Thanksgiving feast. Wish I had known you were visiting NY-would have helped w/ the restaurants sooner had I known.
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