Wedgetail Woodfire Pizzeria & Espresso Bar, Newtown

Halloumi salad $16.00
grilled halloumi cheese snow peas
green beans crisp prosciutto
baby cos lettuce mustard dressing
There are twenty of us that pile into Wedgetail Pizza, a rabble of hungry punters who completely take over one side of this cosy tucked-away Newtown eatery.
We've booked, of course, and we heed the advice of the friendly staff: stick to one size pizza and the kitchen will love you.
We duplicate a number of pizzas and salads down the table, our orders arriving a little haphazardly but the pizzas are fresh, hot and crispy, straight from the woodfired oven.

Garlic pizza $8.50 large
The garlic pizza is reassuringly resplendent with caramelised splatterings that have turned a golden hue. Beetroot salad is light and refreshing, fat luscious crimson wedges adorned with an unusual mix of crisp pear, baby spinach leaves, salty kalamata olives and a pale creamy disc of tangy goat cheese.
I'm more enamoured by the haloumi salad [top], however, a textural playground made up of crisp blanched beans, velvety baby cos leaves, hearty chunks of tomato, crisp rashers of bacon and the always delightfully squeaky mouthfuls of pan-fried haloumi cheese.

Beetroot salad $18.50
roast beetroot pear goat cheese
fresh spinach olives cucumber
currant + pine nut dressing
Presented in a more traditional Italian style, the pizza toppings are light and modest- the hungrier lads aren't used to such restraint. Number 10, a bacon and tomato number, seems a little more like tomato and shallot, and Number 11, is more generous with the mushroom and olive than the slivers of promised leg ham.

Number 10 $24.00
tomato salsa mozzarella
fresh tomato crisp bacon coriander
black pepper fresh shallots

Number 11 $24.00 large
tomato salsa parmesan leg ham
fresh mushrooms fresh tomato
black olives fresh basil
On the other hand, I'm impressed by the generosity of prawns on the seafood pizzas. Number 16 is a colourful wheel of prawns and red capsicum spokes. My favourite is Number 15, a simpler affair of prawns and preserved lemon, the zinginess of lemon lifting the unadulterated sweetness of prawn.

Number 16 $24.00 large
basil pesto mozzarella parmesan
fresh prawns roasted red peppers
preserved lemon capers fresh basil
My favourite part of the restaurant is the artwork on the wall above our heads: two rows of various oven knobs, a retro collection of mint green, lemon yellow and baby blues amidst the usual colours of white, black and silver.
And your trivia tidbit for the evening: owner Peter Oxley was the bass player for The Sunnyboys, a hugely successful post-punk band from the early 1980s.
If music is the food of love, plate on.

Number 15 $24.00
tomato salsa mozzarella parmesan
fresh prawns fish preserved lemon
fresh parsley
Wedgetail Woodfire Pizzeria & Espresso Bar
Newtown Square
Corner of King St and Enmore Rd, Newtown, Sydney
(Next door to Newtown Community Centre)
Tel: +61 (02) 9516 1568
Dinner Tuesday to Sunday 6.00pm-10.00pm
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posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 1/25/2008 10:54:00 pm

At 1/26/2008 1:13 am,
Anonymous said…
Ouch. Seems awfully expensive!
At 1/26/2008 7:51 am,
Anonymous said…
Give me the salad anytime..! i'm so deprived of greens...!
At 1/27/2008 1:57 pm,
spicyicecream said…
I was just around the corner eating pizza in Newtown on Thursday night! It was a simple bbq chicken one but gosh it was the best I've ever had!
At 1/28/2008 8:43 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Ben - Prices are similar to most gourmet pizza places, and this is Newtown :)
Hi Mama Bok - Ah yes, I do love salad. I remember craving greens when I in the States - every salad seems to be covered in either cheese or mayonnaise :)
Hi Lisa - Mmm you can't beat pizza for comfort food sometimes :)
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