Best Friend Chung Jin Dong Korean Restaurant, Sydney (and the pleasures of eating silkworm pupae)

EDIT: Best Friend Chung Jin Dong has now closed
Silkworm pupae.
Who said dinner out had to be boring?
Although the tin didn't cost that much, I didn't buy it because how does one prepare a tin of silkworm pupae for consumption? Scattered over noodles? Sandwiched between two slices of fluffy white bread? Perhaps presented as Steve from The Sneeze suggests - speared with cellophane-frilled cocktail toothpicks? Or maybe like this guy did - nestled in a bed of cheese on a pizza.
I found my answer at Best Friend, a Korean restaurant on Pitt Street just a few doors down from fried sushi specialists Kana Express Food. Originally named and still registered as Chung Jin Dong, its English titled is presumably aimed at widening its customer base. Would it become my BFF Best Friend Forever? I headed there with Howard, Minh, Richard, Shez and Simon to find out.

Best Friend Korean Restaurant menu
Initially I'm puzzled by the huge posters featuring Korean lads running with joy and giving brooding stares that would rival Derek Zoolander's version of Blue Steel. Finally Richard and Simon point out that these are movie posters from the Korean smash hit movie Chingoo or Friend. The picture of the grimacing kids in the menu come from the same movie. Hence the Best Friend restaurant name.

Movie posters from Chingoo, or Friend
We're shepherded upstairs, a narrow room that is busy with diners and a touch hot and stuffy. One wall is painted bright red and emblazoned with the word Friendship, whilst two hands grasp one another in a handshake on the other. It's a Hallmark moment.

Friendship and cutlery
The tables are a dark brown timber and the cushioned chairs still have their protective plastic on the padding. Each table comes equipped with a canister of spoons and chopsticks, the spoons encased in hygienic protective paper sleeves. A box of tissues is on each table and water arrives quickly in the ever-present Korean water carafes.

Water carafe

Korean metal chopsticks and paper-wrapped spoon

Pumpkin panchan
The complimentary panchan side dishes are quick to arrive. These little morsels are always a Korean restaurant highlight, and it's always fun to discover which panchan will be served. We nibble on cubes of tender cooked pumpkin sprinkled with sesame seeds, a tousle of salad leaves drizzled with a tangy dressing, and the requisite peppery hot pickled cabbage kimchee. Apart from the kimchee, my favourite is the slippery and cool rectangular prisms of mung bean jelly, even if they are tricky to pick up with metal chopsticks!

Salad with dressing panchan

Kimchee panchan

Nokdumuk muchim mung bean jelly panchan
Using an egalitarian approach we all agree to nominate a dish each to share. My vote automatically goes for the pupa soup [sic] which I'd spotted on the menu outside. And joy of joys, it's the first to arrive.

Pupa soup Dduk Bae Gi Bun Dae Gi $15.00
Hmmm... I hadn't quite prepared myself for the sight. The use of the word "soup" is definitely misleading. We receive a massive black stoneware bowl that has a carpet of silkworm pupae one-inch deep. The sizzling action from the sauce they're in only adds to the sense they're still alive and moving, a writhing mass of crunchy chrysalis. Mmm... are you feeling hungry too?

Silkworm pupae for one
It's servings of silkworm for everyone! The only abstainer is Simon who flatly refuses to join in the fun. The rest of us look down at our bowls with increasing solemness.

Down the hatch
As I stare at the little brown shells, there's a small sense of disquiet. What. Am. I. Doing. But then I look up and see Shez munching on them like popcorn. "Mmmm... they're really quite good."
I admit I feel a tiny bit squeamish when I put the first one in my mouth. The fact it's wet and not deep-fried is not helping. I've seen the little corrugations alongside its body, and now my tongue can feel them too. There's a small crunching sound as I bite through the body and a slight squelch as its innards squirt their way though. It's not altogether pleasant, but I try another one.
The flavour of them is hard to describe. Words like "dirt", "dust" and "soil" get bandied about the table. Shez thinks they taste a little like the heads of dried baby shrimp used in Chinese cuisinie.
I taste the atmosphere of attic, and I've never even had an attic. The silkworm are a little bit woody and nutty. But there's a musty flavour to them too, and a slight metallic nuance. There's also an odd aftertaste that lingers. I end up eating about 25 of the critters trying to work out what they taste like. The body disintegrates into powdery smithereens that get stuck in your teeth. All I can think of is "cockroach". And I speak from experience. I did eat one once. By accident. A hot chocolate story that still makes me shudders.
Cultural struggles aside, silkworm pupae are a hugely popular snack in Korea. High in protein and low in fat, they're actually an excellent source of energy. They're also very filling. Yes, that's the only reason I stop at twenty. *cough*

Fried chicken with spicy sauce
A dish of fried chicken with spicy sauce could not have arrived any sooner. Did I mention the aftertaste of silkworm? I dig into the fried chicken with enthusiasm. The little parcels of deep-fried batter hold bits of chicken that seem resplendent with fat. Deliciously so. The sauce is also decidedly spicy, a peppery chilli heat that builds on the palate to a warming tingle.

Jab chae $19
Stir fried vegetables with potato noodle
Jab chae or jap chae noodles are a little stickier than usual. The potato starch noodles are almost gelatinous, which I quite enjoy. There's a good mix of wood ear fungus, julienned carrot, and slivers of capsicum and onion. A sprinkling of sesame seeds adds extra crunch.

Hot cheese Bul Dak $27
Marinated chicken with hot chilli and cheese on hot pot plate
Hot cheese Bul Dak is a sight that delights us all. The bubble of cheese spills from the hot plate like molten lava. Despite its appearance, it's not actually as cheesy as you'd expect, the puddle of mild cheese no match for the sweet and spicy marinated chicken.

Deep fried chicken wings with spicy sauce $23
To our disappointment, the restaurant has run out of deep fried chicken legs so we settle for deep fried chicken wings instead. For the $23 price tag, it's quite a modest serve, eight pieces on the plate averaging out at about $3 per piece.
The batter is thick and satisfying chewy, the sauce sticky and sweet.
So would I eat silkworm pupae again? I don't think I'd ever get a craving for it, but I'm glad I tried it. We have a duty to try everything once, is my mantra, and for many people around the world, food is not a right but a luxury.
At least now I can add silkworm pupae to my list of unusual foods eaten, one that includes balut, dog, raw ducks blood, pigeon, snails, buffalo, haggis and goat head burger.
What's the strangest thing you've eaten and have you ever eaten a cockroach by accident - or on purpose?

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Best Friend Chung Jin Dong Korean Restaurant (CLOSED)
Tel: +61 (02) 9261 8326
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday 8am - 1am
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posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 8/10/2009 02:59:00 am

At 8/10/2009 5:22 am,
angeline said…
Aside from the silk worm pupae, everything else looks really good!
At 8/10/2009 7:15 am,
lex said…
nicee props to trying the outright wierd - who would have thought they'd sell stuff like this is sydney; bet you they were laughing in the kitchen "I can't believe someone actually ordered it" haha
Cockroach. Deep fried in Thailand. Make sure you peel the wings off before you munch because all the beers in the world will not get rid of that 'I ate a cockroach' texture -_-
At 8/10/2009 7:55 am,
Simon said…
It's still wrong looking back on some of those pics of the larvae. Even more so knowing that I still have video of the the little things "dancing" in the bowl to processed.
I stand by my decision.
At 8/10/2009 8:08 am,
Yas @ said…
omg omg omg omg.
I would eat any kind of animals, but as long as their appearance remains to be "insect" I couldn't do it!!! *faint*
When I was a kid, I've seen grasshoppers boiled in sweetened soy sauce, which is a regional food culture in Yamagata prefecture In Japan. I'm traumatized by its appearance.
At 8/10/2009 9:40 am,
shez said…
I've been told that silkworm pupae are eaten for medicinal/health purposes - which would explain why it had such a *ahem* great flavour.
That said, if they were deep fried and salted, I wouldn't mind them at all.
At 8/10/2009 10:34 am,
Unknown said…
You know, out of all your posts I've read, this is the only one where I've not felt hungry afterwards! As delicious as the other dishes look...
At 8/10/2009 10:58 am,
aptronym said…
OMG. Have to say that I couldn't eat them. It's as much the insect/ larvae type thing as the Dance of Death thing, because that's what the prawns do in "Drunken Prawns". I haven't had Drunken Prawns for many years but I have struggled with it because I love prawns, but I am not happy with watching them die in an alcoholic haze in front of me. The freakiest thing I have eaten to date (the fish which was so fresh its mouth was still moving probably rates in a Top 5 list) was the fish that I subsequently found out was reared in a small pond which was also the ahem "outlet" for the rather rudimentary toilet. Some village few hrs out of Guangzhou, back in the mid 80s. Ack. But that was an experience rather than an actually challenging food item. Couldn't do dog, absolutely no way.
At 8/10/2009 11:26 am,
Stephcookie said…
Hmm. I'm always of the opinion that I will try anything at least once, but you're not making those pupae sound appealing at all! Cockroaches and attics? Bleurgh! Oh that would have been horrible eating a cockroach by accident, I can only imagine how bad they taste considering how bad they smell!
At 8/10/2009 12:09 pm,
Vanessa Pike-Russell said…
The strangest thing I've eaten is Ding ding machmud which a friend served up. It was grilled pig snouts in a creamy yoghurt sauce. I loved the sauce but struggled to eat the pig snouts which had little hairs on them.
I think I would have some trouble eating silk worm pupae, much like I had with bogong moths when there was a large infestation in NSW 20 years ago. Although I was told they taste like macadamias I wasn't game to try them lol
Thanks for sharing your food adventures with us, taking us along on your culinary journey.
At 8/10/2009 12:17 pm,
clekitty said…
I think I must be very strange. After reading the post.. I have the strange urge to WANT to try out the larvae. Must be because my Dad was an asian health nut so I've been drinking and eating strange herbal concoctions since when I was young. Strangest thing I ate? Snails, snakes?
At 8/10/2009 1:38 pm,
Min Ai said…
OMG Helen you're so brave!!! I can't help but squirm while reading the post.. well done for being so adventurous but from someone who doesn't even touch chicken feet... I salute you! :)
At 8/10/2009 4:59 pm,
cashmere cheesecake said…
I'm definitely going to try the silkworm pupae only out of pure curiosity but I never thought this type of food's available here
At 8/10/2009 5:26 pm,
Simon Leong said…
oh dear. i'm not sure if i'd really want to try this one. i think i can leave this one on the back burner until i run out of all other eating options hehe i'm feeling a bit queezy just looking at it. kudos for you trying though.
At 8/10/2009 6:16 pm,
Anonymous said…
I probably would not eat it.
I have had a cockroach in the drinking chocolate experience about 10 years ago and still have an image of the thing trying to breaststroke its way to freedom up the side of the glass and then scramble up onto the little balls of undissolved milo at the top of my frothy glass of cold milk.
I have eaten grasshoppers - deep fried and seasoned with chilli! They were little (about 1cm) and crunchy - not sure how I would go with something a few cm long though - like my extreme milo diving cockroach.
The texture would probably make me gag. I can't stand the scaly feeling of cockroaches and looking at those little plump bodies, I did think of biology prac and having to dissect the things. The pizza in the link made me almost dry retch. Sorry. I have a big-brown-insect phobia. I can't believe I am struggling with the pupa - they don't even have legs!
You are a brave woman.
At 8/10/2009 6:16 pm,
Jacq said…
Good on you for being brave and trying silkworm pupae! I'm not sure I would have the guts to eat them especially if they still looked alive in the bowl...
At 8/10/2009 6:49 pm,
Arwen from Hoglet K said…
Very brave of you! I might be willing to taste a pupa, but not order a whole plate of them!
At 8/10/2009 7:38 pm,
YaYa said…
I would have tried one, just to satisfy my curiosity so I'm really impressed with your 20! Was the plate finished? Weirdest thing I've ever eaten was meal worms in an omelette in Macau.
At 8/10/2009 8:07 pm,
Anita said…
Eewww... your description certainly doesn't sound very appealing.... I think I may have been able to try them if they were fried... but not the way you had them....
At 8/10/2009 8:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hahah they were very interesting indeed! But yeah I think it is worth trying anything once :) I think they would had been better if smothered in cheessseee!!
and oohh I want to hear about this cockroach hot choc! Where was it from and was it a whole cockroach? I've had a fly in a hot choc before! Not pleasant haha.
Oh I think on average ppl eat 2.5 cockroaches a year or something?
At 8/10/2009 9:20 pm,
OohLookBel said…
That's it, Helen, you've officially become a Public Stomach. Thanks for trying the pupae so that we don't have to!
At 8/10/2009 9:45 pm,
Anonymous said…
IVe had horse on a kebab stick in Japan, and ive been to "Sounds of silence" at Uluru which you try the AUSSIE animals like emu,kangaroo,crocodile,and at another place, camel which was pretty good.......great post and what a good name for a restaurant
At 8/10/2009 9:58 pm,
Betty @ The Hungry Girl said…
Omg. A cockroach in your hot chocolatE? GROSS!! I was quite intrigued by the silkworms... they sound interesting, but it'd be better if they were deep fried and not wet & slimy! Haha. Glad you got some more 'normal' items to wash down the aftertaste!
At 8/10/2009 9:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
There are two things I won't try: insects and worms :p
At 8/10/2009 10:14 pm,
wandergurl said…
I've also had cockroach by mistake. Also in hot chocolate, thanks to a hot pot that we thought just "had rust in the bottom".
Frogs Legs & Snails are probably the furthest I've gone. Someday I'll try cricket and maybe silk larvae. But never cockroaches. Ever.
At 8/10/2009 10:39 pm,
Gourmantic said…
Frogs legs, prawn heads and chicken feet pale by comparison! I couldn't eat it. Or look at it for too long.
At 8/10/2009 11:12 pm,
Howard said…
The first thing I said was " this tastes like dirt " . I must say I found it hard to stomach, could not swallow it at all even with a drink!
At 8/11/2009 2:34 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Angeline - The silkworm pupae was definitely an experience, and it was a lot more fun eating it as a group :)
Hi Lex - It would be interesting to find out how often the dish does get ordered. lol.
Ooh peeling off the wings? Thanks for the tip. Duly noted!
Hi Simon - Doesn't that fact you'll never know what it tasted like bug you? haha... ah life's one big adventure, and I like to take my stomach along for the ride.
Hi Yas - Oh I can only imagine you as a little kid staring bug-eyed. *doh, must stop with the puns* Sweetened soy sauce sounds good though :) You can do it!
Hi Shez - If it tastes horrid, it must be good for you. How many times have our parents used that line on us!
I agree, I think I'd rather have them deep-fried and salted. With a beer.
Hi Leanne - lol. Mission accomplished! Hopefully you were entertained though :)
Hi aptronym - I've heard of drunken prawns but never eaten them myself. I do think eating live animals does bring another plane of "ethics" into the picture, but these pupae were definitely dead when they were cooked.
The fish! Oh dear, the trauma... a lot of people have issues with dog. I always wonder what Hindus think when they walk past a steakhouse...
Hi Stephcookie - I could have lied and said it was delicious but hey, I always believe in honesty being the best policy. I think it is interesting how your own comfort zones get in the way of eating. I guess they're an acquired taste. And cockroach incident = bad!
At 8/11/2009 2:34 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Vanessa - Grilled pig snouts in a creamy yoghurt sauce... mmm.... I'd give them a go but I agree, pig hair tends to dampen the appetite!
I haven't tried a bogong moth either but have heard the macadamia comparison. I always think of shows like Survivor where they start to eat all manner of things because they are starving and desperate for protein. It makes you appreciate how lucky we are and what a luxury of choice we have when it comes to food.
And thanks for sharing the journey with me! It wouldn't be half as fun without all my readers along for the ride!
Hi Clekitty - Oh do try them. Would love to know what other people think. Leave a comment here and let me konw if you do!
Hi Min Ai - No chicken feet? You're missing out on so much flavour! I love chicken feet! Safety in numbers always works - it was much more fun discussing their flavour and seeing everyone's reactions.
Hi cashmere cheesecake - I was surprised to see this on offer too. It's not often you find unusual foods on menus in Sydney. Would love to know what you think - leave a comment here if you do try it.
Hi Simon Food Favourites - You never know unless you give it a go :)
Hi Alex - A swimming cockroach in your hot chocolate? Yikes!
You've eaten grasshoppers, surely cockroaches aren't too much of a stretch? And oh dear, sorry for the reaction to the pizza! I think it's fascinating how we're wired to be repulsed by certain foods. I guess it's a throwback to our genetic wiring to eat "safe" foods.
And no, I'm not brave. There are lots more scarier things that men and women endure in this world than eat a handful of cooked bugs :) - but thank you!
Hi Jacq - Once the liquid cooled down, the bubbling did stop :) Imagine if every group meal had a bug dish - instant conversation starter!
Hi Arwen - It's a lot easier to order this dish when there's a group. I even worked out it only cost us $2.50 each for a story that'll last us a lifetime. A great investment!
At 8/11/2009 2:35 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi YaYa - Even though there were six of us, we only ate about 1/3 of the dish I think. There was plenty left and funnily enough noone wanted the leftovers. lol. Meal worms sounds, er, interesting!
Hi Anita - Yes, fried makes everything taste better doesn't it!
Hi FFichiban - Cheesy silkworms? You sick sick person!
Trust you to ask for the cockroach details. It was a German little one in a box of chocolate powder and I wondered what the funny crunchy thing in my mouth was until I realised... ack.
Are you sure about that statistic? I thought that related to flies, and not cockroaches!
Hi Belle - Public Stomach! I think I've been performing that service for years :) Only so I can justify the multiple servings of everything!
Hi sydneyguyrojoe - I saw horse on offer last time we were in Japan but it was in a super pricy restaurant so we didn't go in.
Actually I've tried all those animals, including camel (today!). Glad you enjoyed the post. I hope I haven't turned everyone off eating silkworm pupae - I think everyone should give it a go!
Hi Betty - I agree, I think silkworm would've been better dry-fried. And it was probably just as well the dish came out first - plenty of things to distract the palate afterwards.
Hi Ellie - lol. So you'd be up for the restaurant in China that serves animals' male reproductive organs?
Hi wandergurl - Oh no, another cockroach victim!
I'd love to visit those street stalls in China that serve deep-fried insects on a stick. Deep-fried scorpion sounds so cool.
Hi Gourmantic - It's just a matter of mind over matter :)
Hi Howard - I was surprised that the flavour got so much to me. I struggled at first but had to rationalise that really, it's just a package of protein. And yes, it did tend to stick in your teeth!
At 8/11/2009 7:40 am,
Simon said…
To answer your question, no, not the least bit. Not even curious what it tastes like. Was that cockroach in the hot chocolate something everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime? Maybe it's just me but I'll pass on that culinary opportunity too.
There are far better and more interesting things I've yet to experience than to have to resort to bug soup.
At 8/11/2009 9:48 am,
Forager said…
Interesting experience. I've always wanted to try silkworm - they're very popular deep fried in Southern China. Very much like popcorn when cooked that way. I've had lots of cooked insects - and deep frying them makes everything palatable. Wouldn't quite be a fan of the soft & squishy creamy centers. Ew.
As for the cockroach, they get a really bad rap. They're actually really clean as they groom themselves constantly. I've seen more gross bacteria from human lips than the surface of a cockroach. Whilst I wouldn't advocate eating a non-farmed one, if it's any consolation at least you ate something relatively clean.
At 8/11/2009 3:49 pm,
Suyin said…
This was such a hilarious entry! So um, evocative! :) I really enjoyed reading it, although I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed eating it. Heheheh. Good on you for trying it out and eating 20 of them!
At 8/12/2009 3:02 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Simon - I don't think it's about resorting to bug soup, but experiencing everything because you can :)
Hi Forager - Mmmm... popcorn silkworm. Perfect movie snack?
I do think it's funny how many of us get squeamish about bugs. And they say the human hand has more germs than lips too!
Hi Syn - lol. Glad you enjoyed the post. I did struggle at first to eat them, but ah, I think it's always to maintain an open-mind, and er, an open mouth :)
At 8/12/2009 11:59 am,
Energetica said…
The most unusual thing I have eaten (on purpose!) is pretty tame compared to pupae - it was baby camel, in Qatar! :)
At 8/12/2009 4:02 pm,
evecho said…
Yes I have but not roaches because they smell like musty pesticide. In Bangkok, I sought out one of those stall that specialise in friend critters. I bought a mixed bag (frogs, crabs, worms, insects etc) all deepfried with various types of spice mixes. The best were bamboo worms, they tasted like light pork/prawn crackling. I'd eat them again.
At 8/13/2009 12:24 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Energetica - Oh baby camel is interesting. I tried camel just the other day for the first time!
Hi evecho - A mixed bag of critters sounds like fun. Bamboo worms sounds a bit confronting but hmm you've almost won me over with the crackling comparison!
At 8/13/2009 3:27 pm,
TheBigB3n said…
interesting how it taste like attic haha.
ive taken quite a few rare and exotic, non-conventional stuff in my time, always believing that one should explore food to its fullest, where do I get goat's head though? and whats so special about the head?
At 8/13/2009 11:52 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi TheBigB3n - I think attic could be the next big taste descriptor. For sure! lol.
I agree with the "embrace everything" food philosophy. And I had the goat head burger in Marrakech, Morocco. I loved the square at night. Djemaa el Fna is like a huge outdoor food court filled with the smoke of charcoal. The meal was shredded off the bone so you couldn't really tell, but yeah, I'm a sucker for anything different!
At 8/14/2009 1:08 am,
TheBigB3n said…
Marrakech is still on one of my must backpack to list of places!
im envisioning this huge goat head with candles around it, and its carved tableside, shredded off the bone and accompanied with harissa!!!
must have been a divine experience!!!
Malaysia has quite a few restaurants that serve quite selection of exotic meats at rock bottom prices, anything from snake to squirrel to wild boar to fox and cooked however you like, well almost.
At 8/15/2009 12:36 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi TheBigB3n - Morocco was amazing. Loved the sights, smells and sounds, and the changing topography is staggering.
There was no fanfare - just a market stall with a couple of goat skulls, a huge pot of simmering meat and a stallholder with a welcoming smile :)
At 8/15/2009 5:03 pm,
TheBigB3n said…
thats awesome!
At 8/15/2009 7:05 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi TheBigB3n - You'll have to start saving and get there some day to experience it yourself :)
At 8/15/2009 8:04 pm,
TheBigB3n said…
most definitely
At 8/15/2009 8:59 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi TheBigB3n - Great to hear :)
At 8/23/2009 11:35 pm,
red bean said…
I really loved that movie.. but I have a strong aversions to bugs, can't even touch them!
Sea 'slug' cucumber is pretty gross, like gobules of fat. More like an unpleasant texture similar to innards and such. I try most things, maybe witchedy grubs? They have meat at least?
At 8/24/2009 2:36 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Red Bean - I'm curious to watch the movie - it sounds like a cult classic.
Oh I quite like the taste of sea cucumber. I think they taste like a squidgy but firm jelly :)
At 2/04/2010 4:38 pm,
Anonymous said…
I grew up with bun dae gi as a kid, so every time I clear the cockroach traps, I always start salivating. lol
The canned version is nowhere near as scrumptious as the crunchy ones sold by Korean street vendors. They'd serve them in newspapers rolled into a cone.
The only way to get close is to drain the canned juice and to dry-pan the little critters.
Yum, haven't had it for a very long time. Thank goodness Melbourne is littered with Korean groceries!
At 3/17/2010 1:56 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Mike - Wow, that's the first time I've heard anyone say they salivate around cockroach traps! I've yet to try fresh fried cockroaches but I reckon I would probably give them a go. Not sure how many I would eat though. And good to hear your 'hood keeps you stocked with plenty of supplies rather than having to catch your own!
At 10/16/2010 12:10 pm,
Nicole said…
Silk worm pupa is the only thing my 15 month old daughter will eat. She loves it! She tried it when we were travelling in Korea and when we got back to Melbourne we had to start buying the tins for her. She just eats them cold straight out of the tin. In Korea they sell them as street food (although it's old fashioned and not as widespread anymore). They sell it plain but hot in a cup and you eat it with a toothpick.
At 2/08/2012 3:01 pm,
Anonymous said…
Has this place closed down now?
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