Northside Produce Market
We got up with the birds and made it all the way over

But the promise of gourmet goodness at the Northside Produce Market made the trek a worthy detour. And with another three weeks to go until the next Pyrmont Growers Market (confound those five-week months), Northside is perfectly timed to tide you over in the interim.
The first thing you notice about Northside is the excess of greenery. There are trees, plenty of outdoor garden furniture, and the stalls are set up in a more relaxing meandering pathway.
All the usual Pyrmont suspects are here. I'd hazard an estimate at 75% of the regular stalls from Pyrmont being here. And it seemed a lot less crowded too, with a little more elbow room and access to samples =P

La Tartine with yes, the beloved fruit loaf taking centre stage

La Tartine fruit loaf $5.50
and black rye $4.50

Consummate (pastries, cake and all things good)

Eggs and bacon a-sizzling at Consummate

Frantically feeding the masses - inside the Consummate stall

Strumming busker

Formaggi Ocello

Spinach and melted fetta on toasted sourdough $2.50 from Shepherd's Bakehouse
It was good!

Mandagery Creek venison
Samples of their venison sausages (4 for $10.00) and venison jerky were both rather good. And apparently the sausages are only 5 per cent fat too. Deer me!

Eumundi Smokehouse
His smoked meats are flavoursome, meaty and very very good.

Banana loaf $7.50 from Shepherd's Bakehouse
Wheat and gluten-free, this is made with soy flour and um, other non-wheat flours (confound my ailing memory).

Inside the banana loaf (apologies for the hacked slicing, but we had it for an impromptu picnic-style morning tea using AG's trusty pocket knife--no, I've never been a Scout, but I am generally as prepared as one).
Not quite as moist as wheat-versions, but still quite nice. It was also missing the spidery banana look you get from mashed banana loaf, instead boasting chunks of semi-dried banana. I think I'm going to try it toasted with butter.

Northside Produce Market
Miller Street, North Sydney(between Ridge and McLaren Streets)
3rd Saturday of every month
8.00am - 12.00pm
Free parking available in Ridge Street car park.
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Northside Produce Market: September 2006 ¦ March 2006 ¦ July 2005 ¦ April 2005
posted by Anonymous on 4/16/2005 11:59:00 pm

At 4/17/2005 12:00 pm,
Reid said…
Hi AG,
I like how you visit all of these outdoor markets. The things you find here must be amazing. Those breads look wonderful. Can I have a "hacked" off slice of bread too? =P
At 4/17/2005 3:27 pm,
Ms One Boobie said…
This is really a wonderful post.. AG! It brings back so many memories.. from when i was stationed in Sydney.. ;) thank you.. :)
Breakfast looked extraordinary..! Yums...!
At 4/19/2005 2:10 pm,
pinkcocoa said…
hey AG
Ohh it's great that you made it to the Northside produce market. I missed out on this month though. The banana loaf looks so lovely. It was sold out by the time I got there everytime. *yikes*
At 4/20/2005 11:56 pm,
pinkcocoa said…
Great! I will be waiting for a banana loaf recipes :) Been wanting one for a long long time.
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