Grab Your Fork in mX

Observant Sydney commuters may have spotted this article on GrabYourFork in today's free afternoon newpaper mX.
The article is about the growning phenomenon of blogging, and I was embarrasingly excited when I was contacted last week by mX journalist, Emily Brown.
For those regular readers who are particularly interested, email me and I'll send you a scanned copy of the article. There are eight (count 'em, eight!) scintillating quotes from me.
To the mX readers who have taken the effort to punch in this website address: Welcome! Please feel free to browse GrabYourFork using the drop-down menus on your right.
Have a mosey around, check out the fridge and let me know if there's a fantastic restaurant you think I should visit.
posted by Anonymous on 12/01/2005 10:32:00 pm

At 12/02/2005 2:13 am,
Chick Pea said…
Hey Helen, congrats on the article...about blood time I say! I'd love a copy to read too :)
Hope you're all packed and ready for NY!! (Actually, just bring an empty suitcase...surely you'll have time in between chowing down to do some shopping!)
At 12/02/2005 5:14 am,
Robyn said…
Awesoooome! YOUR BLOG IS IN PRIIINT! If anything in that article could be pertinent to my food blog essay, could you let me know? ;) (I've amassed so many articles about food blog popularity already, but it's a fun topic!)
At 12/02/2005 6:43 am,
Mona said…
That is sooo darned cool! So exciting. Looks like your blog is practically on a billboard it looks so big and powerful in that pic:)
I still have to focus and get you NYC eats. I'm so sad though my favorite restaurant in all of NY has closed :(
At 12/02/2005 9:09 am,
2-minute Noodle Cook said…
That's fantastic, after all your hard work :).
At 12/02/2005 9:53 am,
Nic said…
Congrats, Helen!
At 12/02/2005 10:11 am,
Anonymous said…
Finally, the print world has caught on! Your blog is a gem - thanks again for all the effort you've put into it :)
At 12/02/2005 10:58 am,
Anonymous said…
At 12/02/2005 12:11 pm,
Veruca Salt said…
I was giddy with exitement whilst reading the article.
I know you do it for the love of food and all that stuff but boy isn't great when you get a little nod like this.
One step closer to Good Living and the life of a food critic.
At 12/02/2005 2:12 pm,
deborah said…
As I said on your Flickr site - Congrats Helen! This is most wonderful for all your dedication and passion you show for food blogging. You should put up a few of your quotable quotes.
Enjoy you NY trip! Dotn forget Gray Papaya's or Crif Dogs. Cafe Wha is also great for a night out - Wednesday nights are the best there! Try the buffalo wings :D
At 12/02/2005 2:23 pm,
Anonymous said…
That is fantastic. Kudos and congratulations! Well deserved after all the hard work and dedication you put into the blog. May we all get book contracts and writing gigs!
At 12/02/2005 9:59 pm,
FooDcrazEE said…
true..not only her blog is well read down under even in S.E.A. too. Congrats and keep up the good work , Helen
At 12/03/2005 8:48 am,
Anonymous said…
Congrats .. AG,
please do include me a copy .. if you can.. thanks..!
At 12/04/2005 7:13 am,
Anonymous said…
(long time reader, first time poster)
the first week I DON'T pick up a copy of, figures!
Well done, that is so cool. You are a blog rock star
At 12/04/2005 10:16 pm,
Reid said…
Hi AG,
What great, well deserved news. You've finally made the big time. Can I have your autograph...and a copy of the article? Please???
At 12/09/2005 12:43 am,
Anonymous said…
Helen, you are still yet to reveal your identity. that's unless you're on some sort of witness protection again. most blogs have descriptions of the author and if not a full picture. I'm beginning to wonder if it's the work of several people.
At 12/09/2005 12:44 am,
Anonymous said…
oops I meant witness protection program.
At 12/10/2005 12:30 pm,
Sam said…
AG - this is great news I am glad you made your mark in the Ozzie press.
You had already made your mark with all of us.
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