Sushi frenzy

We started with a stockpile of Japanese ingredients, mixed in some Australian enthusiasm, added a dash of culinary ingenuity and rolled, moulded and shaped away...
Of course sushi-making is hard work and chefs should always maintain their intake of fluids. Not only are fruits high in water content, but they also contain valuable vitamins. Here we have watermelon and ginger martinis. Ginger is also very good for you!

Sushi is not hard to make. A reasonable amount of prep work is required but the varieties of sushi are only limited by your imagination. We tried out all the funky sushi moulds I picked up on my recent trip to Japan. These moulds make everything dead easy. Lightly pack the mould with sushi rice, place the lid on top to compress lightly, remove lid and flip out the instant shapes by pushing the tabs on the bottom.
Quelle horreur! So any reputable sushi chef would probably perform harakiri before touching one of these, but we love 'em. So quick, so easy, and everyone always wants to have a go. I picked up my sushi moulds from the fabulous 100Yen shops in Tokyo, which are fairly similar to these.
We ended up making makizushi (rolled sushi) with
- smoked salmon
- teriyaki chicken
- peeled King prawns
and a varied combination of the following: avocado, julienned carrot, cucumber, red capsicum and blanched green beans. Watercress, lettuce, omelette shreds, snow pea sprouts, asparagus, Chinese mushrooms and pickled ginger also work equally well. If you're happy to eat it, throw it in!
We also made inarizushi by filling abura-age (deep fried tofu bags) with plain sushi rice or a colourful concoction of sushi rice mixed with finely chopped pickled ginger, pickled radish and mixed through with furikake rice seasoning.
We shaped rice into pillows and topped them with salmon, whole prawns and teriyaki chicken pieces, sometimes securing them with a nori "belt". We shaped our pickle combo rice into cylinders and wrapped them with belts. We made star shapes and triangles and rolled them in seaweed seasoning.
So many sushi options.
Too few stomachs.
We served and ate our sushi off platters I picked up in Tokyo. Don't forget plenty of pickled radish, pickled ginger, soy dipping sauce and sinus-clearing wasabi.
Our digestive tracts were treated to closure signals with Asian-themed ice creams. We picked up some gorgeous ice creams from Serendipity Ice Cream, the one on the left is black sesame; the one on the right is ginger.
Both were utterly delectable. I've always been a fan of black sesame which is rich, nutty and almost treacly in sweetness. Eating this brings back memories of slurping down tummy-warming thick soupy ji ma vu or black sesame gruel.
The ginger ice cream was refreshing and palate-cleansing but also mildly warming with medicinal heat. We alternated scoops of ice cream with joyous mouthfuls of juicy ripe mango. Bring on the height of the Aussie mango season!
For a brief sushi how-to guide, click here.
Serendipity Ice Cream333 Enmore Road, Marrickville
Tel: 02 9557 8986
posted by Anonymous on 11/13/2004 11:59:00 pm

At 11/19/2004 8:19 pm,
pinkcocoa said…
wow! sushi o tabetai na~
I have never tried making sushi before, I mean rolling up sushi. I heard it's pretty hard. Any tips?
Yes! Serendipity ice cream are just too heavenly! I really like their chocolate sorbet. *yum* Another spot for yummilicious black sesame ice-cream would be The Sugar Plum in Randwick. They have really nice black sesame and green tea ice-cream. I like their marble crunch too :-)
hmm..fruits and ice-cream *drool*
At 11/22/2004 2:11 am,
pinkcocoa said…
Thanks so much for the very detailed tips! Gonna try and make sushi myself some time soon. There are just so many things I want to get my hands on! :p And oh yes! Definitely more fillings and less rice in sushi.
That reminds me! We havent used the Sugar Plum discount voucher yet.
I didnt know Serendipity made Passionflower's ice-cream until I visited Serendipity shop too! Seems like Serendipity has been rather low-key about this. We asked Serendipity about it and they gave us this weird look and said "ah. it's a long story" and stopped just there. hmm...
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